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Shelter Island Bridge & Tunnel Authority

Stirling Memorial Tunnel
Sunrise Bridge

Nulla Tenaci Invia Est Via
The Stirling Memorial Tunnel, named for the Earl of Stirling, the original British Governor of what is now Greenport Harbor, was designed by the architectural firm of Kent-Hoyt Partners, Inc., of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the style of the Hypernatremian Tunnel, which connects the villages of Ersatz and Bogusse, in the Swiss Canton of Bulimia. Its construction was executed by a consortium which included Paul Weber & Associates- Excavation and Shoring; Lambert & Leon, Civil Engineers; and Pellicano Heavy Lifting and Cement Specialists, of Brooklyn, NY. The Stirling Tunnel will handle over 300,000 vehicles of every description this fiscal year. Its toll-collecting facilities at the foot of Third Street in Greenport, located just South of the historic LIRR Station, are a testament to modern electronic efficiency, giving homage to the past, executed by a tasteful blending of technologies both old and new. The nearby white sandy beach is a favorite stopping point for tourists who are taking the tunnel for the first time.

The Sunrise Bridge, a beautifully executed steel-girder, fixed-arch structure, soars 90 feet above mean high water, reaching majestically from the crest atop Smith's Cove on Shelter Island, to its southern terminus and state-of-the-art toll facility on the North Haven summit. Designed by the architectural firm of Weber-Bunge-Lange, of Deuseldorf, PA, the four-lane bridge and its ancillary facilities were constructed by the firm of Southfork Construction, Utilities, Maintenance, Bridging And Grading. At the top of its arch, the bridge is over 120 feet high, and the clear span is over 1650 feet long, supported by two piers that rest in the shallow waters at each edge of the Peconic River.

Copyright 2005 - SIBTA - All Rights Reserved
Formed as a result of enabling legislation in 1961, the SIBTA is a Municipal Taxing Authority, as defined by New York State Law, and is the owner of record of the various structures and facilities collectively known as the Shelter Island Bridge and Tunnel System. The Authority is an active member of the Metropolitan Area Transportation Alliance, and supports efforts to reduce atmospheric carbon particulates, increase the use of mass transit, and develop long-range strategies for efficient growth, while always taking care to preserve the pace and character of the areas it serves.
Throughout its history, the SIBTA has proudly employed hundreds of local residents, and has been a strong partner in the economic stabilization and development of the Shelter Island environs. Portions of the revenues from customer fees are paid to the general funds of the Villages of Greenport and North Haven in equal shares, and an annual payment is made to the Shelter Island Highway Department, the contractual partner responsible for general maintenance of our facilities. The remainder of the revenue is directed to our infrastructure re-investment fund, which is overseen by our Board of Directors. The Board is charged with the fiscal responsibility that ensures continued financial stability of our organization. Our continuing mission is simply to provide a safe and enjoyable travel experience for all of our customers, whether they be local folk, summer residents, or occasional transient vacationers.

200 Bridge Street
Box 577
Shelter Island Hgts
NY 11965
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